Pharmaceutical Client at Real Chemistry
Avesta Rastan - Concept Art, Art Direction, Design
Paul Kim - Creative Direction
Joshua Bierdz - 3D Modelling
Paul Veach - 3D Modelling & Compositing
Amy Gandhi - Medical Writing
Brandon Pletsch - Production Lead
Paul Kim - Creative Direction
Joshua Bierdz - 3D Modelling
Paul Veach - 3D Modelling & Compositing
Amy Gandhi - Medical Writing
Brandon Pletsch - Production Lead
The complement system is a complicated series of molecular pathways that plays a critical role in our body's defence against pathogens, such as bacteria. It is composed of 3 main pathways: the classical pathway, alternative pathway, and lectin binding pathway. This image was created while I was a multimedia production artist at Real Chemistry. The pharmaceutical client wanted a comprehensive pitch deck that highlights the therapeutic targets within the complement system for their drug development program. I thoroughly enjoyed working on this collaborative project with such a stellar team!
Awards: Award of Excellence - AMI 2023

I was involved in this project from start to finish, beginning with assisting with the research and medical writing. Once I was comfortable with the material, I created a rough sketch of the 3 major pathways, eliminating any extraneous molecular characters. I used ChimeraX to download and refine 3D models of the relevant proteins from the Protein Data Base (PDB) and handed them off to the 3D team to work their magic.
After exploring several layouts to make a compelling scientific story, our team decided on the one below. I refined the chosen design and made a coloured concept that complemented the client's brand, which the 3D team used as a reference for their renders. After receiving the final composited 3D render, I added the text and graphic elements to create the final design.

This piece won an Award of Excellence at the annual Association of Medical Illustrators (AMI) Conference in 2023 in the Corporate Professional Still Media category. It was a treat to be able to attend and view it in person!